How To Survive A Best Friend Breakup

Navigating a breakup with your best friend can be tough, but it's important to remember that you're not alone. Surround yourself with supportive people who lift you up and remind you of your worth. Take the time to grieve the loss of the friendship, but also focus on the positive aspects of your life. Whether it's picking up a new hobby, seeking therapy, or exploring new social circles, finding healthy ways to move forward is key. And hey, if you're ready to dip your toes back into the dating pool, there are plenty of dating apps for the over-50s waiting for you to explore here.

We've all been there - the heart-wrenching feeling of losing a best friend. Whether it's due to a falling out, a change in priorities, or simply growing apart, best friend breakups can be just as devastating as romantic breakups. But fear not, dear readers, because we're here to guide you through the process of surviving a best friend breakup and coming out stronger on the other side.

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Grieving the Loss

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The first step in surviving a best friend breakup is to allow yourself to grieve the loss. Just like with any breakup, it's important to acknowledge and process your emotions. You may feel a range of emotions including sadness, anger, confusion, and even relief. It's okay to feel these emotions and it's important to give yourself the time and space to grieve the end of the friendship.

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Seeking Support

During this difficult time, it's important to seek support from other friends and loved ones. Surround yourself with people who care about you and who can provide a listening ear and a shoulder to lean on. Talking about your feelings with others can help you gain perspective and find comfort in knowing that you're not alone.


In the midst of a best friend breakup, it's easy to neglect self-care. However, it's crucial to prioritize your well-being during this time. Make sure to take care of yourself by eating well, getting enough sleep, and engaging in activities that bring you joy and relaxation. This can include exercise, hobbies, or simply spending time with loved ones.

Reflection and Acceptance

Once you've had some time to grieve and seek support, it's important to reflect on the friendship and come to terms with the breakup. Reflect on what went wrong, what you've learned from the experience, and how it has shaped you as a person. It's important to accept that the friendship has come to an end and to focus on moving forward.

Forgiveness and Closure

In order to truly move on from a best friend breakup, it's crucial to forgive your ex-best friend and yourself. Holding onto grudges and resentment will only hinder your healing process. Practice forgiveness and let go of any anger or hurt feelings. Additionally, seek closure by expressing your thoughts and feelings in a letter or conversation (if appropriate) and then let go of any lingering attachments.

Moving Forward

Finally, it's time to move forward and focus on building new friendships and nurturing existing ones. Take this opportunity to meet new people, join clubs or groups, and engage in activities that interest you. Remember that it's okay to take your time in forming new friendships and that it's normal to feel hesitant after a best friend breakup. Be open to new connections and allow yourself to trust and invest in new relationships.

In conclusion, surviving a best friend breakup can be a challenging and emotional process, but with time and self-care, you can come out stronger on the other side. Remember to grieve the loss, seek support, practice self-care, reflect and accept, forgive and find closure, and focus on moving forward. Your best friend breakup does not define you, and there are plenty of opportunities for new connections and meaningful friendships in the future.